If the above applies to you and your job/career outlook is secure, then it may be time to get "that house" you have wanted.
Many think a home is an asset, although cherishable. One could make the case for equity value in the home to an asset. In addition, the case may be made the home is an asset in vibrant economic times.
A good indicator of the economy & housing is commerical building & life insurance sales. When housing dips, life insurance sales go up for a couple of reasons...that's another subject. If businesses aren't building, they're not hiring. So keep an eye on commerical building and life insurance sales and that will give you some better insight.
If, what we discussed in the earlier paragraphs still apply to you and the aformentioned markets are stable or even growing, and for you to keep your eye on in the near future. And fr argument's sake let's say the answer is yes, then I think it may be a great time to take advantage of the situation.
Personally I am preparing to take advantage and we're excited. A client whose family have become close with over the years, have just completed the process. If it's sound, make the move.
Like homes themselves, mortgages come in many sizes and types. The type of mortgage that's right for you
depends on many factors, such as your tolerance for risk and how long you expect to stay in your home. Here
are some characteristics of various popular types of mortgages.
Popular Types of Mortgages
Conventional Fixed Rate Mortgages Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs)
Low risk
10- to 40-year terms
Interest rate doesn't change
Large down payment (compared to
government mortgages) may be required
Payment remains the same
Higher risk
Initial interest rate often lower than
conventional fixed rate mortgage
Interest rate may go up or down
Interest rate usually adjusted annually
Rate adjustments may be limited by cap(s)
Payment caps can result in negative
amortization in periods of rising interest rates
Government Mortgages Hybrid Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs)
FHA, VA, or bond-backed
Interest rate sometimes lower than
conventional fixed rate mortgage
Variety of programs available
Low down payment requirements
Liberal qualifying ratios
Attractive to first-time homebuyers
Higher insurance costs may apply for FHA loans
Payment remains the same
Higher risk
Deducting points and closing costs
Buying a home is confusing
enough without wondering
how to handle the settlement
charges at tax time.
When you take out a loan
to buy a home, or when
you refinance an existing
loan on your home, you'll
probably be charged closing
costs. These may include
points, as well as
attorney's fees, recording
fees, title search fees, appraisal
fees, and loan or
document preparation and
processing fees. You'll need to know whether you
can deduct these fees (in part or in full) on your federal
income tax return, or whether they're simply
added to the cost basis of your home.
Before we get to that, let's define one term. Points
are certain charges paid when you obtain a home
mortgage. They are sometimes called loan origination
fees. One point typically equals 1 percent of the
loan amount borrowed. When you buy your main
home, you may be able to deduct points in full in the
year that you pay them if you itemize deductions and
meet certain requirements. You may even be able to
deduct points that the seller pays for you. More information
about these requirements is available in IRS
Publication 936.
Refinanced loans are treated differently. Generally,
points that you pay on a refinanced loan are not
deductible in full in the year that you pay them. Instead,
they're deducted ratably over the life of the
loan. In other words, you can deduct a certain portion
of the points each year. If the loan is used to
make improvements to your principal residence,
however, you may be able to deduct the points in full
in the year paid.
What about other settlement fees and closing costs?
Generally, you cannot deduct these costs on your
tax return. Instead, you must adjust your tax basis
(the cost, plus or minus certain factors) in your
home. For example, you'd increase your basis to
reflect certain closing costs, including:
Abstract fees
Charges for installing utility services
Legal fees
Recording fees
Transfer or stamp taxes
Owner's title insurance
For more information, see IRS Publication 530.
Tax treatment of home
improvements and repairs
Home improvements and repairs are generally nondeductible.
Improvements, though, can increase the
tax basis of your home (which in turn can lower your
tax bite when you sell your home). Improvements add
value to your home, prolong its life, or adapt it to a
new use. For example, the installation of a deck, a
built-in swimming pool, or a second bathroom would
be considered an improvement. In contrast, a repair
simply keeps your home in good operating condition.
Regular repairs and maintenance (e.g., repainting
your house and fixing your gutters) are not considered
improvements and are not included in the tax
basis of your home. However, if repairs are performed
as part of an extensive remodeling of your
home, the entire job may be considered an
If you make certain improvements to your home that
improve your home's energy efficiency, you may be
eligible for a federal income tax credit.
Energy tax credit
A credit is available to individuals who make energyefficient
improvements to their homes. You may be
entitled to a 10% credit for the purchase of qualified
energy-efficient improvements including a roof, windows,
skylights, exterior doors, and insulation materials.
Specific credit amounts may also be available for
the purchase of specified energy-efficient property:
$50 for an advanced main air circulating fan; $150 for
a qualified furnace or hot water boiler; and $300 for
other items, including qualified electric heat pump
water heaters and central air conditioning units.
Exclusion of capital gain when your
house is sold
If you sell your principal residence at a loss, you
generally can't deduct the loss on your tax return. If
you sell your principal residence at a gain, you may
be able to exclude some or all of the gain from federal
income tax.
Generally speaking, capital gain (or loss) on the sale
of your principal residence equals the sale price of
the home less your adjusted basis in the property.
Your adjusted basis is the cost of the property (i.e.,
what you paid for it initially), plus amounts paid for
capital improvements, less any depreciation and
casualty losses claimed for tax purposes.
If you meet all requirements, you can exclude from
federal income tax up to $250,000 ($500,000 if
you're married and file a joint return) of any capital
gain that results from the sale of your principal residence.
In general, this exclusion can be used only
once every two years. To qualify for the exclusion,
you must have owned and used the home as your
principal residence for a total of two out of the five
years before the sale.
For example, you and your spouse bought your
home in 1981 for $200,000. You've lived in it ever
since and file joint federal income tax returns. You
sold the house yesterday for $350,000. Your entire
$150,000 gain ($350,000 - $200,000) is excludable.
That means that you don't have to report your home
sale on your federal income tax return.
What if you fail to meet the two-out-of-five-year rule?
Or what if you used the capital gain exclusion within
the past two years with respect to a different principal
residence? You may still be able to exclude part
of your gain if your home sale was due to a change
in place of employment, health reasons, or certain
other unforeseen circumstances. In such a case,
exclusion of the gain may be prorated.
Additionally, special rules may apply in the following
If your principal residence contained a home
office or was otherwise used partially for
business purposes
If you sell vacant land adjacent to your principal
If your principal residence is owned by a trust
If you rented part of your principal residence to
tenants, or used it as a vacation or second home
If you owned your principal residence jointly with
an unmarried individual
Members of the uniformed services, foreign
services, intelligence community, as well as certain
Peace Corps volunteers and employees may elect to
suspend the running of the two-out-of-five-year requirement
during any period of qualified official extended
duty up to a maximum of ten years.
*Forefield provided a portion of the information above*
*Important, the above is from myexperience in my field/career. Always consult your tax professional, financail advisor and seek legal advice before taking any financail measures in the near future. Thank you for reaading.