Thursday, December 29, 2011

401k Plan Information:How do they work?

With market volatility and misinformation that exists about them, why trust your "nest egg" to these two factors? If you're interested in some alternatives, we have those strategies. Happy New Year's!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fixed Index Annuity Announcement

Proud to announce that the Allianz Fixed Index Annuity is now available in the states of Kentucky, Texas & Washington and we care help you introduce you to Fixed Index Annuities. I represent many companies and research as much as possible on different companies & their products. With this strategy, we can obtain stability & security with a 0% maximum loss each year. While at the same looking at past performance of this extremely sound company, Allianz, and see why they are successful. Did I mention that we can enjoy the balance or cash deposit bonus of 7%? We can shop a few other companies that would offer 10%. For more information in these states, please contact me.

In-Service Withdrawals from your 401k plan

Monday, December 5, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

Louisville Prospects Foundation: $5 for Friday

Today, December 2nd, is the Prospects 1st ever "$5 for Friday." What is that? It is our inexpensive way to contribute to our children's foundation. We know times are tight & that is why we only ask for $5; if you would like to give more, God bless you. If you want to donate $5, God bless you. All money goes to our mission, ask anyone involved in the program. We thank you in advance for your support. Just go to our website, & click the "donate" button.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

12/1 Long Term Care Insurance

November 30th marked the end to Long Term Care Insurance Awareness Month. The awareness of the importance of Long Term Care shouldn't end with it. If you needed Long Term Care, why on earth would you want to spend $60,00-$80,000 of your hard earned money on Long Term Care? Why wouldn't you want to buy Long Term Care Insurance for pennies on the dollar?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The College Board Releases 2011/2012 College Cost Figures

The College Board Releases 2011/2012 College Cost Figures
On October 26, 2011, The College Board released college cost figures for the 2011/2012 academic year in its annual Trends in College Pricing report. Here are the highlights:
Public colleges (in-state students):
  • Tuition and fees increased an average of 8.3%
  • Room and board increased an average of 4.0%
  • Total average cost for 2011/2012 is $21,447
  • Public colleges (out-of-state students):
  • Tuition and fees increased an average of 5.7%
  • Room and board increased an average of 4.0%
  • Total average cost for 2011/2012 is $33,973
  • Private colleges:
  • Tuition and fees increased an average of 4.5%
  • Room and board increased an average of 3.9%
  • Total average cost for 2011/2012 is $42,224
  • “Total average cost” includes tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, transportation, and a small amount for miscellaneous costs.

    Year End Tax Planning: Things to Keep in Mind

    Tuesday, November 22, 2011

    A Solution to Market Volatility? Perhaps!

    What argument could be made right now supporting the volatility of the market? This is not the same day & time that helped create the success of the markets. Why should use your hard earned money ? To one, take a risk of your retirement income to chance the conditions in the marketplace that are upon us today? These are not normal times, plenty of graphs will show us that before the internet bubble, 2008 and currently, with the news of how Europe is doing. Europe will have an impact on us, anyone who tells you different needs a refresher. Why not lock in your money with a 0% floor (that means, no negative...guaranteed)? Take the guarantee on the balance & accumulated amount, participate in the some of the good of the market & eliminate the downside? You still have access to your money, the money is safe, protected & guaranteed against significant negative performance. There are existing strategies that can help you navigate through these unforeseen times. It is my belief that the United States has never seen the issues we are facing. Safe alternatives do exist. The next question to answer is would you prefer your total amount of money returned to you or guaranteed income for life? Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

    Tuesday, November 15, 2011

    11/15 Quick: Beware of Pure or Constitutional Trusts

    Have you heard of Pure or Constitutional Trusts? If a financial or insurance professional or a lawyer solicits this type of trust as an option to your estate plan, remember this blog. One of these trusts are advertised to the taxpayer on the notion that you can absolve paying income taxes, this is simply not true. The taxpayer actually may end up paying 3 times the tax bill. If such a person approaches you with this "strategy" please feel free to contact me. I will, along with my estate planning team, explain to you details and why they won't work...maybe even resulting in penalties and/or fines.

    New Student Debt Repayment Plan Released 11/15

    On October 26, 2011, President Obama announced a plan that seeks to help college graduates pay back their federal student loans. The plan is an executive order and does not require approval by Congress. It is scheduled to take effect beginning in 2012.

    Background Despite more aggressive debt shedding by American consumers since the recession, student loan debt continues to grow. According to the federal government, 36 million Americans have federal student loan debt. Last summer, total student loan debt surpassed credit card debt for the first time, and this year outstanding student loan debt is on track to reach $1 trillion, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
    In addition, in September, the U.S. Department of Education released data showing that the percentage of student loan borrowers who defaulted in 2009 (the latest year for which figures are available) rose to 8.8% from 7%. That percentage is likely higher now due to the recession, as millions of cash-strapped college students attempt to pay back student loans in a tough economy. According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, last year the unemployment rate for college graduates under the age of 24 rose to 9.4%, the highest level in at least 15 years.
    In the meantime, college tuition continues to rise; the College Board recently announced in its Trends in College Pricing 2011 report that tuition costs for the 2011/2012 academic year increased 4.5% for private colleges and 8.3% for public colleges (to view the report, visit The average total cost of attendance this year is now $42,224 for private colleges and $21,447 for public colleges. And next July, the interest rate on federal Stafford Loans is scheduled to double--to 6.8%--costing the average borrower thousands of dollars over the life of the loan.
    Against this backdrop, following are the highlights of President Obama's plan.

    Loan consolidation Students who hold both direct federal student loans and federal student loans made by private lenders under the now defunct Federal Family Education Loan Program would be able to consolidate their loans between January and June 2012 into a single government loan at an interest rate of up to 0.5% less. The White House estimates this could help approximately 5.8 million borrowers.

    Income-based repayment President Obama's plan will accelerate the start of an income-based repayment program to 2012 from the original start date of 2014. The program, approved by Congress last year, caps monthly federal student loan payments at 15% of income and forgives all remaining debt after 25 years. Under the new plan, federal student loan payments will be capped at 10% of income with all remaining debt forgiven after 20 years. The White House estimates this could help 1.6 million borrowers.

    Who qualifies? According to the U.S. Department of Education, to qualify for loan consolidation, borrowers must have both a direct federal student loan and a federal student loan under the Federal Family Education Loan Program. To qualify for the accelerated component of the income-based repayment plan, borrowers must take out a loan in 2012 or later and have taken out a loan sometime between 2008 and 2012. Borrowers who are already in default won't qualify.
    For more information on the new programs, you can call the office of Federal Student Aid, a division of the U.S. Department of Education, at 1-800-433-3243 (1-800-4fedaid) or visit

    Friday, November 11, 2011


    Anyone who reads the blogspot, or goes to the facebook page or our foundation,
    Let me ask a favor of you. Could you please send me feedback? If you choose to send some in, thank you in advance & please send true criticism to or
    Tell me what you have read you liked and may want more information on or tell me what you didn't like & why. If you would like to have information on a subject I haven't introduced, I will do my best. Sale you something, maybe. Educate you on something, definitely. Share with you, always.

    Soldiers Surprising Loved Ones from Life Foundation

    So Called Human Resource Departments

    First of all, thanks to all the veterans & military personnel. I'm sure there are some really good human resource departments and great people working in those departments. However, it is my experience from doing a great deal of group benefit consultation & plan design, that Human Resource departments are inadequate, at best! What is your experience with your Human Resource department at your place of employment? If it is like what I have encountered, you do not stand a chance of having a "qualified" person take care of the matters that are only second to your paycheck at work.
    It is almost a "cookie cutter" example of individuals that have been employed to handle such important matters.
    One example, an employee of a company had a child & wanted to her group health insurance policy to cover her child. Although those in the insurance profession may know that the health insurance company covers the baby for the first 30 days, she still needed to add the child. Additionally, she had questions regarding her short term disability, paychecks & tried several times to call them. Upon leaving numerous voicemails with her "Human Resource Department" she appeared in person & demanded action.
    It is my experience that these so called "Human Resource Departments" are worthless. I feel sorry for someone who isn't aware of their benefits & need assistance. Again, I know there are many who work in this field & do a great job. This is targeted for those that know who they are! Do your job!!

    What Would You Do Without Long Term Insurance?

    Key Questions for Your "Legacy" Conversation & Estate Planning

    Thursday, November 10, 2011

    Education Tax Credits & Deductions

    As the end of the year approaches, I thought it would be wise to review this piece.

    Safe Harbor 401k Plans

    Social Security and Medicare Figures for 2012 Announced - November 10, 2011

    Social Security and Medicare Figures for 2012 Announced - November 10, 2011
    The Social Security Administration has announced that for the first time since 2009, a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) will be paid to Social Security beneficiaries and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients. Monthly benefits will increase 3.6% starting in January 2012 for Social Security beneficiaries and starting on December 30, 2011, for SSI recipients. According to the Social Security Administration, the average increase in monthly benefits will be approximately $43.
    Despite many media reports predicting that the Social Security COLA increase would be offset by higher Medicare Part B premiums, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that the standard monthly Medicare Part B premium will be $99.90 in 2012, $15.50 less than in 2011. However, because the premium for most Medicare beneficiaries has been frozen at $96.40 (the premium rate in 2008) for the past three years, premiums for most people will increase by $3.50 in 2012. Beneficiaries who have higher incomes (a modified adjusted gross income of more than $85,000 for an individual or $170,000 for a couple) will pay more than $99.90 because they are required to pay an income-related surcharge.
    While costs vary, the average premium for a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan in 2012 is estimated at around $30, approximately the same as in 2011. And Medicare Advantage premiums will be 4% lower, on average, in 2012 than in 2011, according to CMS.
    Here are some other important Social Security figures for 2012:
    • The maximum taxable earnings limit will be $110,100 ($106,800 in 2011).
    • The retirement earnings test exempt amount for beneficiaries under full retirement age will be $14,640 per year ($14,160 in 2011).
    • The retirement earnings test exempt amount for beneficiaries in the year full retirement age is reached will be $38,880 per year ($37,680 in 2011).
    Topic Discussion Social Security and Medicare Figures for 2012
    Here are some other important Medicare figures for 2012:
    • The Medicare Part B deductible will be $140, down from $162 in 2011.
    • The Medicare Part A deductible for inpatient hospitalization will be $1,156, up from $1,132 in 2011. Beneficiaries will pay an additional $289 per day for days 61 through 90, up from $283 in 2011, and $578 per day for stays beyond 90 days, up from $566 in 2011.
    • Beneficiaries in skilled nursing facilities will pay a daily co-insurance amount of $144.50 for days 21 through 100 in a benefit period, up from $141.50 in 2011.
    To view the Medicare fact sheet announcing 2012 figures, visit

    We'll continue to pass along timely, relevant information--providing fresh and interesting ways for you to engage and motivate your clients.

    Novermber 10th Quick: Employer Owned Life Insurance Policies EOLI

    11/10 Quick: If you are a business owner who has taken out a life insurance policy, in which the company owns, on a key man (someone who is responsible for large production or their role with the company) or even a business partner that you may be involved in an entity purchase buy sell agreement...those policies are in need of review immediately. Under the Pension Act of 2006, EOLI policies are subject to taxation. Life insurance policies may pass tax free to the beneficiary. If certain notice & consent requirements are met in a timely manner, & certain safe harbor fules apply, death benefits still pass income tax free.

    Wednesday, November 9, 2011

    Caring for an aging parent

    IRA and Retirement Plan Limits for 2012

    IRS announces Pension Plan Limitations for 2012

    IRS Announces Pension Plan Limitations for 2012

    The IRS has issued news release IR-2011-103, which announces cost-of-living adjustments to pension plan limitations and other items for 2012.
    On October 20, 2011, the IRS issued news release IR-2011-103 announcing cost-of-living adjustments to dollar limitations for pension plans. Items addressed for 2012 include:
    Elective deferrals
    • The annual elective deferral limit for 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans, 457(b) plans, SAR-SEPs, and the federal government's Thrift Savings Plan increases from $16,500 in 2011 to $17,000 in 2012
    • The annual elective deferral limit for SIMPLE plans remains unchanged at $11,500
    Employee "catch-up" contributions for individuals age 50 or older
    • The annual limit on additional catch-up contributions to 401(k), 403(b), and Section 457(b) plans remains unchanged at $5,500
    • The annual limit on additional catch-up contributions to a SIMPLE plan remains unchanged at $2,500
    Other key figures
    • The dollar limit on annual additions to a defined contribution plan increases from $49,000 in 2011 to $50,000 in 2012
    • The dollar limit on the annual benefit under a defined benefit plan increases from $195,000 in 2011 to $200,000 in 2012
    • The annual compensation limit for qualified retirement plan purposes increases from $245,000 in 2011 to $250,000 in 2012
    • The annual compensation amount used in the definition of a highly compensated employee increases from $110,000 in 2011 to $115,000 in 2012
    • The annual compensation amount used in the definition of a key employee in a top-heavy plan increases from $160,000 in 2011 to $165,000 in 2012
    • For purposes of determining a qualifying employee under a simplified employee pension (SEP) plan, the minimum amount of annual compensation remains unchanged at $550

    Monday, November 7, 2011

    Thursday, November 3, 2011

    College Board Releases New College Cost Figures - November 3, 2011

    On October 25, 2011, the College Board released college cost figures for the 2011/2012 academic year in its annual Trends in College Pricing report.

    To view the Trends in College Pricing 2011 report, click here.

    Here are the highlights:

    Public colleges (in-state students):

     Tuition and fees increased an average of 8.3% to $8,244

    Room and board increased an average of 4.0% to $8,887

    Total average cost* for 2011/2012: $21,447

    Public colleges (out-of-state students):

    Tuition and fees increased an average of 5.7% to $20,770

    Room and board increased an average of 4.0% to $8,887

    Total average cost* for 2011/2012: $33,973

    Private colleges:

     Tuition and fees increased an average of 4.5% to $28,500

    Room and board increased an average of 3.9% to $10,089

    Total average cost* for 2011/2012: $42,224

     *"Total average cost" includes tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, transportation, and other miscellaneous costs.

     The report also noted that full-time undergraduate students received an estimated average of approximately $5,750 in grant aid (from all sources) and federal tax benefits at public colleges and $15,530 at private colleges.

     We'll continue to pass along timely, relevant information--furnishing you with insight & trusted knowledge of the subject.

    11/3 Quick: Worried about paying for college? We have strategies for these solutions!

    Let us show you how to prepare for college funding of your children. Whether it is a traditional 529 College Savings Plan or more of a sophisicated situation that involves life insurance policies and even trusts established to help through the years of college.

    Are you paying lip service-Life Foundation

    New Estate Rules & Your Estate Plan

    Wednesday, November 2, 2011

    11/2 Quick: Do you have an annuity? Do you have more than one?

    And possibly, are they with two different companies?

    We can obtain a guarantee on the balance of transfer. If applicable, we can earn a 6% Bonus on the balance. We can protect against negative market fluctuations and while protected, your money grows with a tax deferred benefit. Yes this scenario exists and yes if the market plunges, you recieve a 0 instead of a (-you put the amount here).

    Thanks for your time.

    11/2 Quick: Caregivers should be protected with Long Term Care

    Many caregivers end up needing care themselves. And while 50% of the bankruptcy filings in the U.S. are a result from medical expenses. Long Term Care insurance & proper estate planning can help avoid if the "Lady" in your life is also your "caregiver" in the elderly years. She should have protection, in case she needs care too.

    November is Long Term Care Awareness Month

    Regardless of what side of the isle you are on when it comes to politics, the Healthcare law has been something as advisors, citizens, and business owners
    we have had to deal with for the last two years. Recently, we have seen where the Long Term Care portion of the bill has been ruled unsustainable...increasing the urgency in the November Awareness Month, I feel. Not sure what you think of the New York Times, but they do have a good article on just this topic. I cannot begin to tell you how passionate I am as an advisor about Long Term Care & Disability insurance. In my years of experience, I have seen the hands on need for the above mentioned. Check out other pieces on Long Term Care on my blog. Have a great weekend.

    Changed Jobs? Old 401k? Let's roll it over...

    If, for whatever reason, have lost your job chances are you had an old 401k. See if these options appeal to you. Would you like an 6 or 7% bonus on the balance of that old 401k? Would you like the priniciple, the bonus and any additional money that may be put in be protected and gauranteed? And of course you would like this money to grow tax deferred, so that they day you retire and withdraw the money at an older age, your tax bracket will be lower. Of course you would. Remember, the only thing better than tax deferred growth is tax free, and there is a strategy for that but that's another subject. Let me show you how!

    Tuesday, November 1, 2011

    November is Long Term Care Insurance Awareness Month

    Don't let Dave Ramsey & Suzy Orman guide you into a mistake. Their approach is fine, if you are insurable when they advise you to take out a policy (both life & LTC). What if something happens to you before you take the policy out? With life insurance you may get rated or denied. But with LTC, you just get denied. It is either pass or fail with Long Term Care Insurance.

    Too young for Long Term Care Insurance?

    Please don't tell me the only life insurance you have is the $50,000 or $75,000 offered at work?

    I am an estate planner with experience in insurance of all kinds & annuities. Witnessing folks after saying to me, "Jay, of course I have life insurance in case something happens." Only to find out after they pull that policy out of the basement that the life insurance they thought they had is a group policy from their employer. A person who is the primary wage earner in the family needs 8-10 times theamount of their salary to pay off debt, for final expenses, help their family maintain their lifestyle (to include the kids college funds), and more. Let me ask you this, do you think $50,000 or $75,000 will do the trick?

    Monday, October 31, 2011

    Jay R. Jones Estate Planning Facebook Page

    Accelerating Retirement Savings With Leverage

    Accelerating Retirement Savings With Leverage
    When we access our money, there are only two categories that we can pull money from.
    The first is taxable (this includes tax deferred/tax qualified plans): 401(k), 403b,
    traditional IRA, and various types of annuities just to name a few. When we begin taking
    distributions from this category, some taxes will be due. The second category is income
    tax free- the Roth IRA, when qualified distributions are taken, is a well known financial
    vehicle in this category. When we take money from this category, we pay NO FEDERAL
    Let us show you how to jump start your savings, in a safe & stable way. Learn how to, as a business owner who may or may not started saving for retirement, have an alternative to a 401k plan.

    Jay R. Jones Estate Planning Introduces "Quick"

    Once an important piece of information is gathered or researched, sharing that information is just as important as the details of that information. That is why I am introducing a "Quick" that will "quickly" provide readers through Facebook, Google +, and other social media websites. As always, we ask you to check out our Children Foundation's website:
    We thank you...

    Business professionals (lawyers, doctors, accountants, etc.) with personal service corporations are taxed at a flat 35% federal income tax rate.  Right now, many personal service corporation owners start looking for year-end tax deductions. 

    Common Annuity Riders

    529 Plans & Estate Planning

    Friday, October 28, 2011

    Saturday, October 22, 2011

    Louisville Prospects Foundation presents the 2nd Annual Bluegrass Spring Classic

    To find out more visit the link below or visit
    If you are interested in sponsoring the event, please feel free to contact us through the website. Thank you for your support in advance.

    Hard Dollars vs. Soft Dollars

    If something should happen to you or to your spouse, leaving you or him or her without the income they may provide...would you like to pay for the final expenses, maintain your lifestyle, pay for your children(s) education & pay off debt with hard dollars or soft dollars? What is hard dollars? What is soft dollars? If you are not familiar with either, it is really simple. Hard dollars coming from that income that you wake up every morning and provide for the family you adore. Hard dollars are those dollars that you put in the bank, under the pillow. Soft dollars are what you get when you use pennies to buy dollars for life insurance. What I mean, for $500,000 worth of coverage that may cost you $30, $40, $50 per month for a specified period of time can provide that family you adore the necessary funds to pay for those final expenses, lifestlye, making sure your kids end up in college like you and your spouse wanted, & pay off that debt. Those soft dollars will allow your spouse to concentrate on the things that are important if death comes prematurely. Those soft dollars will allow that grief process to be the primary focus while focusing on the children, instead of worrying how to pay the mortgage, the car payment, burial costs, kids' clothes & education costs. Maybe your kids are not college age and attend private school, if I remember correctly, that can be as expensive as college. Let those costs be asorbed by those soft dollars and keep the hard dollars in the bank or under the pillow. Let those soft dollars work for you while you need to focus on you and yours. If you need guidance, please feel free to contact me. If you need more literature, please feel free to contact me. Don't gamble, while your family is the stakes. Let the soft dollars be that piece of mind you and your family deserve. Whether it is term insurance or permanent insurance, being insured is a priority. And the bottomline, soft dollars are cheaper than hard dollars!

    Estate Planning Video

    How Secure is Social Security?

    Wednesday, October 19, 2011

    Like to receive a Prospects Financial newsletter once a week?

    I give you my word, if you would like to receive our newsletter of a particular topic once per week, you will only receive a newsletter once a week.
    Email me at to sign up. Again, only one email per week about an important topic. Thank you for reading the is growing.

    Pay off your mortgage or invest?

    I tell clients who when they lose a spouse although your insurance policy will allow you to pay off your mortgage, if you don't have the assets built up and can't adjust to one salary instead of two...what good is a home that is paid off if you can't keep the lights on? If you can and the assets and cash are there, then yes.

    Portability of Basic Exclusion Amount between Spouses

    Bonds, Interest Rates, & the Impact of Inflation

    Credit Shelter Trust

    Great time to buy a home

    If you are fiscally responsible, it is a great time to buy a house.

    Asset Protection

    Monday, October 17, 2011

    Saturday, October 15, 2011

    New Parents and In Need of Estate Planning?

    Kentucky High School Basketball Talent

    Are you a physician or business owner? If so, have you not saved the way you should? Unfortunate but common questions physicians & business owners hear.

    Physician & Business Owner’s  Solution: Accelerated Leveraged Planning
    Dr. Jones  chose a Accelerated Leveraged Planning program offered to help him/her quickly fund a life insurance policy that would meet the needs of his family. In July of 20, Dr. Jones implemented a $1,200,000 Accelerated Leveraged Planning program, borrowing the funds in the form of a commercial loan. The funds from the loan were placed into an indexed universal life insurance product for Dr. Jones’s personal benefit.
    Over the subsequent 10 years, the doctor’s practice paid $372,600 in simple interest on the commercial loan, while the life insurance policy is credited $780,286. The death benefit of the policy, $7,478,400, was more than enough to secure a reliable financial future for his wife and children.
    Let Jay R. Jones & his team at Prospects Financial show you your strategy
    That will help create peace of mind, while helping maintain lifestyle
    Should something happen.

    Dr. Barnett chose a Leveraged Planning
    ® program offered

    by GFD to help him quickly fund a life insurance policy that

    would meet the needs of his family. In July of 2002, Dr.

    Barnett implemented a $1,200,000 Leveraged Planning

    program, borrowing the funds from Global One Financial,

    Inc. in the form of a commercial loan. The funds from the

    loan were placed into an indexed universal life insurance

    product for Dr. Barnett’s personal benefit.

    Over the subsequent 10 years, the doctor’s practice

    paid $372,600 in simple interest on the

    commercial loan, while the life insurance policy

    credited $780,286. The death benefit of the policy,

    $7,478,400, was more than enough to secure a

    reliable financial future for his wife and children.

    Converting Savings to Retirement Income

    Disability Insurance Basics

    Wednesday, October 12, 2011

    Excuse as to why you don't want to buy life insurance

    Myths created by Dave Ramsey & Suze Orman

    If you listen to these two above when you need life insurance & long term care the most, you may not be insurable. They "preach" buy term, not perm (permanent life insurance) because you can do better putting your cash in an investment tool. First of all, what is safer than life insurance? There has never been a life insurance company that couldn't pay its claims. Never. Secondly, there are permanent life insurance policies that only use the cash build up to keep the policy in force & that are guaranteed throughout your 60's & 70's. Example, a client 22 years old has a 10 year term policy paying $23/month every month for ten years, I put in place through a conversion from the term to a permanent Universal Life Product. The client now has $200k of life insurance for the rest of their life and now pays only $34/month. The thinking is what if the client needs term after he 32 (when the 10 year term runs out) & has become uninsurable along the way? That means Mr. Ramsey, he pays an extremely higher premium IF he/she can get the insurance at all.
    Along the same lines is their views on Long Term Care Insurance. Tune in anytime & you'll hear, "You don't need Long Term Care Insurance until your in your 60's. Example of why this is not good advice. Mr. & Mrs. Client, that I just recently did an estate plan for listened to this sort of advice. Now in their 70's and uninsurable, the only exposure in the estate plan is due to not getting long term care in their 50's & 60's. So Mr. Ramsey's advice has created an estate planning problem that will addressed if something should happen & LTC is needed.
    You see, while their discipline may be good for us all, their advice may not be great for many. They'll say, "he's selling insurance, of course he wants you to listen." I'll say, they are selling stuff too and want you to listen. If you listen to Dave's advice & follow the "buy term instead of perm & invest the rest," you'll be part of the
    10% of his listeners that actually do so!
    Point is, don't be left without insurance, you don't know what life has in store for you. Don't buy into this mentality, maybe your investments don't do as well as they are projected (they never do). Long Term Care insurance isn't something we think about everyday, but if you need it, you'll think about it every hour. 

    Tax Free Retirement Plans

    Yes, you heard right, Tax Free Retirement Plans for you. If done correctly, Tax Free Retirement Plans could be much more beneficial to you than your 401k. It can work with Accelerated Retirement Savings with Leverage or the plan can be self funded. I have put together a team that can guide you through the process & provide you with peace of mind, while jumping ahead of what it probably take your 401k two lifetimes to accomplish. Contact me to get started or for information as to a free book offer. I would be glad to help you get started, chances are we are licensed in your state.

    Life Insurance: Now More than Ever

    Check out our Children's Foundation's Website & Support

    The Louisville Prospects Foundation founded in 2010 is dedicated to improving the communities we serve through education, the introduction of fiscal responsibility and health & fitness for our youth.

    Tuesday, October 11, 2011

    Accelerating Retirement Savings With Leverage

    Women Need to Start Their Estate Planning Yesterday

    Addressing Financial Issues for Educators

    Check out Jay R Jones Estate Planning on facebook and please like it

    Click on link for facebook page:

    Student Loan Article

    Do you have an old 401k with an old employer? Is the market volatility too much for your situation or liking? Would you like a 6% Bonus on the balance, Prinicple Guarantee, take advantage of the market without the risk? If the answer to one or more is yes, then let's talk!

    529 College Savings Plans & Estate Planning

    529 College Savings Plans

    Financial Prescription for Medical Professionals

    A good portion of what I do is tailored for Medical Professionals. Medical Professionals need shelters and I have strategies to create such shelters.

    Wednesday, October 5, 2011

    Large estates, opting out of the estate tax, have until Tuesday, January 17, 2012, to file Form 8939

    Large estates, opting out of the estate tax, have until Tuesday, January 17, 2012, to file Form 8939

    The IRS announced that the estates of persons who died in 2010 will have until January 17, 2012 (changed from November 15, 2011) to file various required returns and pay any estate taxes due.
    The IRS also announced penalty relief for certain beneficiaries of these estates on their 2010 federal income tax returns.
    This relief is designed to give large estates (over $5 million) more time to comply with key tax law changes enacted late last year.
    Revised versions of the estate tax forms are now available on, and the carryover basis form will be released this fall.
    IR-2011-76 contains additional details.

    Market Volatility Video

    Sunday, October 2, 2011

    2nd Annual Bluegrass Spring Classic

    We are looking for sponsors for our 2nd Annual Bluegrass Spring Classic April 20th-22nd, 2012 in Louisville, Kentucky. Sponosrships will include advertising on our social media and involvement in AAU basketball which is national exposure for you as well.


    Do-It-Yourself Wills & Trusts

    For people who want to avoid paying a lawyer & an estate planner to prepare a will & a trust, and do it is not what you put in the will or trust that becomes the problem later, it is what you leave out of the documents that is. It has been my experience that the money you pay the right professionals is well worth the cost to prepare a plan & correct documents with the necessary information that will leave your heirs the way you would have intended if something should happen to you.

    Thursday, September 29, 2011

    Medicare Season

    Do your part to cut down on Medicare Fraud & help guide the senior citizens in your life to trustworthy sources of information:

    Innovations & Patents

    Video Chatting with Clients: Gaining Steam

    Unknow Source Quote of Fiscal Responsiblity

    There is no formal education for personal finance. Barring the extremely rare exception, personal finance is not taught in high schools, colleges, or even by most parents. How do we typically learn about our finances? Unfortunately, through our own financial mistakes and blunders, which have the potential to set us back before we even had a chance to get started.”

    College Planning

    Women & Their Life Insurance Needs

    Women & Retirement Planning

    Its almost time: Open Enrollment for Medicare

    Tuesday, September 27, 2011

    X Marks the Spot-Fixed Index Annuity from Allianz

    Wharton Financial Institutions Center's Piece on Index Annuities

    Fixed Index Annuity brochure (current)

    Saving for College

    Planning for Estate Taxes in 2011 & 2012

    Life Insurance will help with the tax burden for your heirs

    Worried about the tax burden you will leave behind to your heirs?

    Tax advantages of parenthood

    Parenthood has tax advantages

    Client Factfinder

    This will help you & I discover what needs & what exposure to retirement you may have.

    Annuity or CD? That question is a greater than, less than question.

    Question is how long do you want to "tie" up your money? Do I want the  insurance company's 5% (plus) or do I want the bank's 2% return? What works for you is the best question, let me help with the decision.

    Group Disability Insurance

    I hear people view disability insurance as a "low priority" luxury. But if they become disabled for a period of time, how in the hell will you afford "high priority" bills? But I'm sure you have it all figured out...check out this piece on Group Disability Insurance & if you don't have it, get it!

    September is life insurance awareness month.

    September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. It is important to Lamar Odom, find out why.

    Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT)

    Many americans should have a trust established, but many don't. Allow me to show you why...

    How Will You Be Remembered? More importantly, how will your family survive if something should happen to you?

    Leave a Legacy, Start Today!

    Changing Jobs? Old 401K? Roll it over!!

    The market has been up & down, so has your 401K. Do you have an old 401K? Why continue to lose the money you have worked for? Would you like a 7% bonus on the balance when we roll it over? Would you like your principle guaranteed to not lose a penny? Then why haven't we talked? I know your 401K isn't offering that protection...

    Monday, September 26, 2011

    401K Shrinking?

    The market has been up & down, so has your 401K. Do you have an old 401K? Why continue to lose the money you have worked for? Would you like a 7% bonus on the balance when we roll it over? Would you like your principle guaranteed to not lose a penny? Then why haven't we talked? I know your 401K isn't offering that could have the benefit of the market upside with no risk of losing principle invested!

    Retirement Planning Resources

    Henryville Golf Scramble!/event.php?eid=145925268823821

    Accelerating Retirement Savings With Leverage

    September is Life Insurance Awareness Month

    Basic Estate Planning

    Financial Aid 101