Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Solution to Market Volatility? Perhaps!

What argument could be made right now supporting the volatility of the market? This is not the same day & time that helped create the success of the markets. Why should use your hard earned money ? To one, take a risk of your retirement income to chance the conditions in the marketplace that are upon us today? These are not normal times, plenty of graphs will show us that before the internet bubble, 2008 and currently, with the news of how Europe is doing. Europe will have an impact on us, anyone who tells you different needs a refresher. Why not lock in your money with a 0% floor (that means, no negative...guaranteed)? Take the guarantee on the balance & accumulated amount, participate in the some of the good of the market & eliminate the downside? You still have access to your money, the money is safe, protected & guaranteed against significant negative performance. There are existing strategies that can help you navigate through these unforeseen times. It is my belief that the United States has never seen the issues we are facing. Safe alternatives do exist. The next question to answer is would you prefer your total amount of money returned to you or guaranteed income for life? Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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